الثلاثاء - الموافق 22 أكتوبر 2024م

Study (creativity) – essence and constraints in the Arab world – Writer / Tariq Fayez Ajaoy

Focused the attention of psychologists to understand the creative abilities of the child and assist in their development, but the fact they exceeded that for attention to the creative abilities in adults and suggested several ways to teach children, adolescents and adults how to think in more creative ways The first half of the twentieth century is the time, who studied the intelligence and examined the nature and placed founded by either the second half of the same century is the time, who studied the innovation and creative so I drew a formula of creativity and formulated founded has placed studies and much talk on the breeding of creators at any event we do not need to search in that research and studies affected by the same subject or about the natural relationship between intelligence and creativity that this topic is taken every specialist wanted detailed explanation for creativity in all its aspects so satisfied with drawing the outlines of interest to the public so that it has these lines through a general idea of ​​what creativity is and what it Introduction was not necessary for its close association with what we will discuss these lines, we say that all the creative intelligent and not all intelligent creative necessarily on the grounds that intelligence is the condition the foundation of the conditions of creativity so Valzca itself is not sufficient for creativity and there are Many scientists took the creativity from all angles and in particular the nature of creativity Ferry (Torrance) that since the birth seems some children are more creative than others are thus are active and are active as well as a glimpse of them notice things around them so you see them respond every voice, image, or even the smell and the glimpse of them also said they learn and very quickly how to convey their requests and needs to those around them and how to interpret the behavior of those who surround them they see them they look at all the stuff and they start to Balahbu Ihchroa themselves in all that is to invite them Balvdoliyun The irony is that these individual differences in creativity erased by the way practiced by parents in their response to this curiosity and the creative ability and, of course, then it is – I mean the face of creativity – not only parents but also outdo so that it affects all that is the vicinity of children and plays a role in his life and the observed O Gentlemen, that the more children age, the individual differences that can be observed between him and the others of the children, specifically with regard to creativity appear to be returning to the whole experience, not genetics This remarkable activity in children at a young age thing bother adults from the ocean and Atabhm and therefore they do not encourage such activities and events do not exaggerate in we say that the child was punished for his conduct active over the child compliant depositary Therefore, he said (Catena) that if the conduct creative associated factor genetic when he was able to parents and teachers do little to increase and development of the facts indicate the error of this belief, as evidenced by the treatment of behavior, creative for the child by his family and Gbarham of those around him are more important

The scientists who searched the whole of innovation and founded and most notably (Torrence) and (Gilford) and (Catena) that the capacity of the four creative thinking is First / fluency – the ability to produce many of the ideas with respect to a task, and here the greater the number of ideas given rights in the increased level of fluency Second / flexibility – the ability to produce ideas that show the movement of the human level of thought to another, or Nqlath think-tank in relation to a particular task is clear that ideas that repeat the business itself does not show such a think-tank moves Third / expansion – the ability to add details to the basic idea and then Antahaa Fourth / originality – the ability to produce unusual ideas and can not produce a lot of people’s ideas and smart remote We came (Torrance) and adding the capabilities of his new capacity as well as the four previously mentioned, namely

Ability to analyze and abstraction and the ability to close any ability to delay the completion of a task to the time allowed to produce original ideas

We have characterized the psychologists between two types of thinking are — I – think about the corresponding / is the normal way of thinking according to the familiar known to us — The second – Almgianf thinking / thinking as a way unusual or refined – known to the public – Based on that mankind is divided into two healthy two basic thinking intellectuals and thinkers thought identical Mgianfa hence the original creators are thinking people with Almgianf The prevailing Dear Sirs thinking that the corresponding is encouraged by educators is conscious of the fathers and mothers, teachers and others, and this consequently killed in the child’s creative abilities and makes it therefore a human being ordinary is an innovative and creative he is, who do not Egayr not arise which in the following in their child (ideal), which is worth a success and progress And hard to Almgianf thinking is thinking that leads to innovation, creativity and invention, therefore, the psychologists and education in our time encourage this kind of thinking they are located and the means and methods by which to exploit this kind of thinking We in this regard must be referring to what he had done (Guilford) and is one of the important things on the same topic, but is drawing the attention of psychologists, not to the different ways to show intelligent man and his creativity, but also addition to thinking that can lead to many different alternatives conductive judgment to answer the questions and solutions to problems and thus creativity is sure that this ability is closely related to thinking and the ability to Almgianf conversion, installation and re-definition It can be every man of us creative in the field or specific areas, but it remains to be concerned with education and educators to show the capacity of man and that encourages them and open the sense of guiding them to the proper methods through which highlights the creativity and Nhiye have the right opportunities and the necessary and appropriate conditions and then provide the individual creativity and innovations to his community and especially that the United compete in our day in the number of creators in each of them and their kind and their ability to give and creativity in various forms of knowledge Constraints ************** creativity in the Arab world The reality is that the developed nations and over the times and the times you choose the creators of the sons of Jldtha in all walks of creativity and sponsored and cringe to them all the difficulties to get them on innovation, creativity and increase their activity to the farthest extent and is sparing no effort in the cattle they Balgali and precious and all images honoring the material from the literary to Tnevsh before them the prospects of creativity, starting in various forms of thought, knowledge and culture, the doors and it is not a departure from the familiar to write in this area, and within this context, in search of address in which obstacles creativity in the Arab world and to make clear all the means and methods that ensure remove or overcome these obstacles, at least with a view to achieve the desired goal namely the development and progress, which seeks all nations of the earth

Of course the climate and a healthy environment for creativity are not available to amend the current circumstances at hand and at all levels of social, political and economic ………… etc. This is in spite of its importance there is nothing above it in importance, among them agents of socialization the first of our children and our youth within the framework of the future vision of a community of roads suitable for breeding, education and analysis of values ​​and social trends to be seen, including the payment of disability or for the growth of creativity among members of the community

All cases, these lines will not be able to accommodate the many and vast numbers of various creative culture in its different diameters and branches in the Arab nation from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf, there are hundreds or even thousands of them invade the fields of the article, poetry, stories, criticism and painting …….. Etc. In many fields of various kinds of culture and knowledge, but this production is creative retreat between the different diameters on the grounds that in some of which are still fragile, not intense Audi did not strike its roots deep in the ground may be in some other Mtdthera are indicated in the arts say special and probably spent is mysterious even brought him hieroglyphs on the difficult to understand in three diameters have all of that fails to stand on an equal footing with the creation of good writers and artists in other Arab countries

As is well known in studies of creativity, the new scenarios have approached the gap between the creators of other human beings and explained that the differences, including whether either related to quantity or quality as but under a provision of the different environmental conditions and the level of cultural and scientific peoples, and that all of these social and environmental factors are influential in the innovation either pay and release and either disable it and Ankvaúh

It must be pointed out at a crucial point in this area, namely the phenomenon of proliferation relative to some forms creative cultural marred and Khalttha in most Arab countries the phenomenon of very serious which is without doubt the phenomenon seriously ill should not overlook them, a phenomenon not hire creative energies especially in the areas of authoring scientific or other arts writing there is no doubt that this phenomenon will leave scars on our history page Arab Cultural undoubtedly a sign of condemnation of our creativity in the field of contemporary thought

It is certain that the practice of cultural creativity that can not be any schools objectively neutral to deny it of any people or geographical area, and much hard that it is the nature of each community secretion of the energies of creative of his sons are formed in the quantity and type of the flat development of civilization and culture, but it must be said the observance of the gradient and the ripening is not expected of these creative energies that burn stages and folded time to hurry to make up for running fast with overnight years of underdevelopment and ignorance heavily Balvaqh

It is recognized that cultural creativity is not a goal, but it started is a way in other ways Bamahsalh aims to provide all of the nation’s overall progress and attached to the march of modern civilization and creativity to knead promising change and a critic of the existing and admin of the best and most effective alternative.

It is often creative interactive with the issues of nation is this motivation is the basis of creativity and Ada was our need of urgent and critical in building our new heading first to the creators and owners of thought Fjder us to Nsaa them and demonstrate what Iatrdahm of obstacles on the grounds that creative besieged constraints Energy obscure backwater can not identify it as soon as his claim, but convinced of the fruit of creativity, whether literature or science or art, and his right to us in time Dath that we create an opportunity to start in the field of creative and call capacity in the field of his creation, follows his contribution creative in a convoy creators true religion make a new life and leave the world in Madder is the image that it will not rub them, but Atsena Bantlagahm build bridges with their fellow citizens and their problems on long in an atmosphere saturated with social breeze of freedom that freedom is committed to regular Nabdh of chaos and futility.

And must be well aware that creativity does not develop and flourish in an atmosphere dominated by authoritarianism, oppression, tyranny and Lada, destined to live under such this topic atmosphere, it Istbg bitter struggle and the seriousness of the challenge and struggle and it Valambda parents can achieve its goal, or part thereof under this topic difficult circumstances, it is worth of humanity more honored and revered and cherished and appreciated.

Required to achieve innovation is also a link between the creator and his surroundings in Sheta sects and denominations, and doubles his care and inadvertent contact layer broad majority of the people The problems and concerns of society and the requirements and interests of the general Eptgaha and harm suffered by the life you yearn to be achieved must be touching the creator and Athssha to experience the true interacts with the sense of The ideas and experiences, knowledge and perceptions and inspiring Uaier

His letter excellence and results from rubbing the whole road serves the life of the community and draw the steps the faithful on the path of change and advancement as well as broadcast on creative in the society of new knowledge and ideas illuminated and feelings of society and massage what we ask of our creators about the variables that raided our lives and is committed creator a grave mistake when he separated from his community and its citizens because it deprived himself of a certain honesty in creativity and areas of live gating that supply this creativity and creating a fertile environment for prosperity and fruitfulness as the Majafat community prejudice faithfully the message required to integrate in society and felt the conditions for truly reflects the position or give to this community what it takes or face his will to change touching its necessity.

When the slough creator for his community and Agterb for his people thought and spirit and Astelhamhotjarbh the creativity comes empty shell hollow does not involve the real substance of the road and often tends this creativity ingrate to be an echo of the middle expresses its view and the pleasant, their positions do not touch him to the community, but a negative sterile dodge does not adopt an opinion does not move will not reach a target and ask God, but walking this path Mbdawa and dangerous abyss.

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